Tearanie Wilson-Parker is a financial Advisor, Amazon best-selling author, speaker, and founder of Funding An Empire TM. Determined to help individuals and their families get from one financial level to the next, she educates, motivates, transforms mindsets, and eradicates unhealthy behaviors regarding money. Tearanie Parker has created two types of seminars and courses called "Mind and Money Makeover, and Clever Women And Money." She also hosts a weekly radio segment, "Funding An Empire," offering a broad range of financial tips that focus on practical, real-life financial issues.

The alarming truth is that millions of Americans are in debt, don't know how to manage their money wisely, and have insufficient savings. Who is accountable? Our parents, our schools, our culture, our spouses? If this book interest you, odds are you are ready to stop the blame game, take responsibility, identify the root of your unhealthy relationship with money, and implement the steps for building a strong financial future.
In Funding An Empire, Volume 1, financial educator Tearanie Parker provides practical and empowering tools to help you uncover and overcome the three major financial issues that can possibly destroy your ability to create, manage, and multiply money. Through personal accounts and proven financial strategies, Tearanie will show you that no matter what income bracket you are in, you have the power to create your own financial destiny, build your empire, and define wealth on your
own terms.

"We make approximately four to six decisions daily regarding money. Whether it's where to buy coffee, where to eat lunch, contributing more to our retirement plan, or purchasing a car, etc. So, before you make a financial decision, make this declaration: "Every financial decision I make daily is either leading me towards lack or increase."
"If you are having issues with: Getting out, and staying out of credit card debt, waiting years to start your retirement plan, making bad financial decisions because you want to be perceived as 'having money,' you own a small business, buy you inadequately charge the true value of your services due to inner insecurity issues...You are not alone, and it's not by coincidence that you are reading this book."
"Don't M.I.S.S. It! Make Money, Invest Money, Save Money, and Spend Money. The cornerstone of M.I.S.S. is money management, You can Make, Invest, Save, & Spend money, but without incorporating prudent money management skills, you are still missing it. Mismanagement of money hinders your ability to multiply more of what you make."
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