5 Ways to Find Inspiration
According to merriam-webster.com, the word inspires is to influence or impel. And on a more theological level inspire is to move or guide by divine or supernatural inspiration.
There are times that we all need inspiration. Hardwired within our nature is the desire and need to be advanced by factors outside of ourselves. Some have argued that inspiration can never be willed that it only happens to us and through us. Whether that’s true or not is an argument for another blog. I’d like to suggest however that there are things you and I can do to openly welcome that divine and supernatural motivator into our lives.
Although there are infinitely more, here are 5 ways that you can light some fire under your feet.
1. Monitor your GIGO meter. Garbage In Garbage Out. Tell me what you eat, and I’ll tell you what you are. This saying (although equally important food-wise) is referring to the “information” you and I consume. We are what we eat. Quite often and sometimes without being conscious of the fact - we let negative, pessimistic, de-motivating thoughts creep into our lives through our eyes and ears.
One way to monitor your GIGO meter is by performing an audit. Intentionally go through your music playlists, social media feeds, tv shows, friends, family, etc., and pay attention to how you feel after each encounter. Are you down or up? Frustrated or motivated? Are those things now weighing on you? If they are, then cut the fat, prune the tree, get rid of that which is keeping you low. Be intent, resolute, and hard-nosed about consistently listening to, following, and absorbing only that which will propel you upwards.
2. Raise the rim higher. In my yard, there is an adjustable basketball hoop. There are times when I want to feel like Giannis and so I lower that thing down to about 9 (probably 8) feet and tell someone to start recording. Yet herein lies the challenge - there is no challenge. The goal is too low. It’s too easily achievable, and after a while, it loses its fun. To ignite inspiration, you must raise your goals to a level that makes your heart flutter when you think about achieving them.
3. Getaway. Nature for me is always one of my biggest sources of inspiration, more specifically the beach. Doesn’t cost a thing to step outside and find inspiration where you are.
4. Inspire others. Offer a word of encouragement for someone who is down in the dumps. Find a person worse off than you and be a blessing to them, surprise them. Speak a kind word to a stranger. Pay for someone's meal unexpectedly. Give a bigger tip than expected. Pay it forward. They say the best way to keep your cup from God full is to try and keep it empty. And finally...
5. Count your blessings - literally. If you are feeling down and out. Take out a sheet of paper (or your phone’s notepad), number it - and write one by one what you are thankful for. Not sure what to write first? I’ll help you….